Upcoming Events

Golden Grad Mass & Luncheon—Class of '70 and '71
We are pleased to finally be able to celebrate our 50-year classes of 1970 and 1971, after postponing the event at Homecoming 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. This luncheon is hosted by President Robert Summerby-Murray. Watch for your invitation and make a plan to join us on campus.
June 3, 2022

SMU Alumni Golf Tournament
We are excited to host an alumni golf tournament this August in support of Saint Mary's University students. Join us at Granite Springs Golf Club! Thanks to the support of sponsors and teams, the Saint Mary's University Alumni Association gives out up to 20 bursaries to students. Help support students and enjoy a day on the links. Register your team today!
August 23, 2022

Become an Alumni Council Member
Volunteer with the Saint Mary’s Alumni Association. Be a part of the Alumni Council and represent our more than 53,000 alumni around the world. Send an email with your resume to alumni@smu.ca.
Application deadline: July 22, 2022

Call for Nominations: Honorary Degree Candidates
The Honorary Degrees Committee, a joint committee of the Senate and the Board of Governors, invites nominations of potential honorary degree candidates. An honorary degree is the highest honour bestowed within the power of the university and recognizes the significant contributions of individuals to local, national and international communities.